There are endless loops in infinity
So it goes,
A dream I once had, plays over
another dream I once had before, I froze
But I see again my reflection
In a tortured soul like your own,
I see myself deja vu
In yours Staring black tea-stained eyes like mine
hearing the same words I've heard before
Ago, ago, and agos
Why do you revisit me, my old soul?
Through another, like you always would, You would
Reiterate my words, my wounds, my wars
Why do you search for yourself in my soul,
You other?
Feeling, Lord, bring healing to our souls.
Restore us unto the image which we bear
In truth, in Your story
Don't be worried, please. don't be sorry
My brother, my sister, my foe
His image is yours, you are His glory, it is yours.
To behold