Repetition is ignited by the unresolved. It manifests in insanity. When we are not in motion, we start to repeat the action, thought, emotion until it is satisfied with a collision that propels us forward. We submit to any force that will extrapolate our value to give us something in return, and we mistaken it for the right collision. Thus vicious cycles of exploitation, obsessive compulsive, abused turned abuser, molested turned molestor, and shortcomings are passed down from teacher to student, parent to child, state to citizen. We mimic others who appear to progress confidently, because they seemed to have received the collision and been resolved of something we have left gaping open.They seem to be moving from their previous status to another, one we assume to be better, because modernity is the 'mark' we aim for. When we receive collision in the wrong direction, we progress towards it the way a flower will grow towards fluorescent light in a dark room, perpetually in a state of want and need because we are stuck. We have not received a collision towards truth, but based on the movement alone we assume we have and "settle for it", and the level of life at which we last received contact repeats. Confidence is the acceleration of identity. Identity is the mass. Love is the true force. (Force equals mass times acceleration). God is the only source of true, eternal love. Jesus Christ is the only way to the true, living God. Christ is the Bare Life, the one whose death has no consequences (for he had overcome it), who stands outside human law and divine law as established by the Sovereign, "He who decides on the state of exception", who is made to suspend the law, yet keeper of the law, declaring that there is nothing outside the law, a figure of slavery and the state of exception which by becoming a rule grants the Good life (Agamben). Confidence is a desirable movement, for stagnancy represents failure, which deserves condemnation. It is the vehicle for progress, but if we get our confidence from the wrong source, we progress in the wrong direction. While existence is multidimensional, life is a bidirectional status. Thus if we do not progress towards life, we progress towards death.
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