Monday, January 27, 2020

Let it

If desire is the only thing
To bring us together
I will let it begin
Let it unravel and

Bring us together, in sorrow
And sin, and travel
Away from our rotten ways
I'll let it forgive us
And win

Allow it to survive my instinct
To kill every good thing
In my life
I'll let it revive my life

And teach me to live and to love
And again
And again

Sunday, January 26, 2020

Seeking you

In search of the eye that approaches
My soul with ease
Though encased in a lie my soul may be
And weary of trial and error through which
Every searching soul sees.
The higher path is for the least of these
Who have no strength except to believe

Jan 26, 2015

Thursday, January 16, 2020


I want a friendship worth making love over
Not love worth losing a friendship over

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Zombie love

The shit we do when we feel alone
Cant even figure out what I'm feeling
So far, I'm just alone.
Death isn't my biggest fear anymore,
It's the possibility
Of an inkling
Of a feeling that implies
Something so beautiful
And grand

That I'd rather pull the trigger
On the plan. Just lay down instead
And fucking eat my pills
Like the illness I have
Get the hell out of there like, damn

Who do I think I am?

Succumb, sometimes, relief

I'm unhappy, indulgent, and selfish. I wont be good for you because I'll use you and then abandon you. That's the kind of person I am, a maneater. I am afraid of committing, no good comes out of commitment to another human, only pain and love. "Love" is a lesson in life, its not something grow you up. Like a lie, it just gives you an endorphin induced high and burns out like the shame that comes with it. What do you expect from a liar? My mom has always been right about me, and I never could accept it because somehow I thought I was better than her. But now I see that I'm no better, she calls me selfish and a liar. And it's TRUE, I'm just like her, and I can't do better than that. I'm disloyal and I won't do better.

These are the thoughts that battle me today, and I didn't win. It feels good to give in sometimes when you're alone and broken and peacefully going about your day. Makes all the fears go away.