Tone it down, Eyes tells Brain,
The glare is my despair.
Are you satisfied? Heart inquires Brain.
Brain sniffs as if without a care.
I don't mean to intrude, Ear remarks
But my drums are beginning to decay...
Do you think you can send Arm and Hand
To deliver some house or reggae?
But all Brain delivers is a scowl to Mouth,
Rigidly engaged in his duties
And the impish private parts below
Send him images of fleshly nudies
We want food! chants Tongue and Stomach,
fiddling in their slippery places.
We want love, whispers Heart timidly,
painting her hopeless faces.
Brain sits tightly in his brittle skull
Ignoring his deprived subordinate members,
Slowly their voices dwindle away
Soon their pleas Brain hardly remembers
Now that all you organs, scoffs Brain
Have finally begun to cease,
I can employ Will and Mind
In this rare moment of bodily peace
He then proceeds to withdraw ideas
From his account with Memory Bank
Brain gets busy with his work, oblivious
To his dimishing think tank
Then neuron synapses begins to misfire
Inside his medulla oblongata
As the blood thinly flows to his cerebrum
He begins to lose acumen and dogmata
Suddenly Eyes collapse from the strain.
Stomach gathers all of Digestive System
To protest against Brain with violent riots,
Proclaiming never again to assist him
Lungs takes a blow from this Organ Failure
Causing panic in Brain to throb
Are you there Heart, can you feel this?
He moans out softly with a sob.
[to be continued...]
Aside from any interpretations or analysis, I want to let you know that I thought this was nicely done. And, I think something I needed to be said from someone . . . figures it would be you.
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